專利 |
2024 | 可調式脊椎側彎腰背架及復健系統 | 申請中 |
2024 | 嬰幼兒穿戴式爬行義肢 | 申請中 |
2024 | 弱視兒童光柵訓練系統 | 申請中 |
2024 | 上肢中風日常生活降張手套 | 申請中 |
2024 | 高效能遠紅外線放射組成物的製造方法及其製品 | 發明專利 / TWI828428B |
2023 | 安全帽及其能釋放遠紅外線的安全帽襯套 | 新型專利 / M648954 |
2023 | 具有測重加溫功能的便攜式透析藥水箱 | 新型專利 / M646336 |
2023 | 夜燈 | 設計專利 / D226655 |
2023 | 多功效移位中單 | 發明專利 / I791258 |
2023 | 遠紅外線機能布料及其製造方法 | 發明專利 / I799864 |
2022 | 多功能農業輔具 | 新型專利 / M631741 |
2022 | 農業輔具 | 新型專利 / M631740 |
2022 | 肘下義肢手臂總成 | 發明專利 / I777893 |
2022 | Lower support type rehabilitation device for fingers | 發明專利 / US 11,446,198 B2 |
2022 | 整合復健裝置 | 發明專利 / I762845 |
2021 | Assistive glove for daily activities of stroke patient | 發明專利 / US 11,065,171 B2 |
2020 | 手指下托式復健輔具 | 發明專利 / I691326 |
2019 | 中風生活輔具手套 | 發明專利 / I677364 |
2019 | 動物特徵學習卡牌裝置組合 | 新型專利 / M578448 |
2019 | 採茶手指刀 | 新型專利 / M573125 |
2017 | 血液檢體保溫容器 | 設計專利 / D185666 |
2017 | 電子捲尺 | 新型專利 / M543353 |
2017 | 螢幕顯示之重量感測智能發光點滴架 | 新型專利 / M539951 |
2016 | 智能行李箱 | 發明專利 / I580379 |
2016 | 直流電源插頭以及電子系統 | 發明專利 / I590543 |
2016 | 巴金森氏症輔助行走拐杖 | 新型專利 / M532276 |
2016 | 馬桶 | 新式樣專利 / D177480 |
2015 | 介面操作方法與應用該方法之可攜式電子裝置 | 發明專利 / I522895 |
2015 | 易拆裝之兒童積木 | 新型專利 / M508354 |
期刊論文 |
Ming-Che Chen, Ren-Guei Hsu, Hsin-Hsu Chou, Hsiag-Chun Chen, Jin-Yi Lin, Chi-Tze Lin, Neng-Yao You, Ming-Yi Li, Shu-Kai Li, Wei-Ren Zeng, Yang-Kun Ou and Wan-Jung Chang(2025). "SmartPD: An AI-Enhanced System for Optimizing Home-Based Continuous Ambulatory Peritoneal Dialysis," in IEEE Sensors Journal, doi: 10.1109/JSEN.2025.3531893. (SCIE)
Yang-Kun Ou, Yu-Zhen Zhou and Chen-Wen Fang (2023). Effect of different assistive systems on elderly pedestrians’ road-crossing decisions. Journal of Industrial and Production Engineering, 40(2), 117-125.
Yang-Kun Ou, Wei-Ru Chen, and Chen-Wen Fang (2022). Gaze tracking patterns on different types of traffic risk in early-stage Alzheimer’s disease, Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour. 91, 451-460. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.trf.2022.10.024. (SSCI, 28/83, Psychology, Applied)
Li-Ping Tseng, Tung-Hsu Hou, Li-Ping Huang, Yang-Kun Ou (2022). The effect of nursing internships on the effectiveness of implementing information technology teaching, Frontiers in Public Health, section Public Health Education and Promotion. (SSCI/SCIE, 36/176, Public, Environmental & Occupational health)
Wan-Jung Chang, Liang-Bi Chen, I-Chen Lin, and Yang-Kun Ou (2021). iBuffet: An AIoT-Based Intelligent Calorie Management System for Eating Buffet Meals with Calorie Intake Control. IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics. 67, 4, 226-234. DOI:10.1109/TCE.2021.3131687. (SCI, 5/61, Media Technology)
Li-Ping Tseng, Tung-Hsu Hou, Li-Ping Huang and Yang-Kun Ou*(2021). Effectiveness of Applying Clinical Simulation Scenarios and Integrating Information Technology in Medical-Surgical Nursing and Critical Nursing Courses. BMC Nursing. 20, 229. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12912-021-00744-7. (SCIE/SSCI, 37/124, Nursing)
Yang-Kun Ou, Wan-Xuan Huang and Chen-Wen Fang (2021). Effects of Different Takeover Request Interfaces on Takeover Behavior and Performance During Conditionally Automated Driving. Accident analysis and prevention. 162, 106425. (SSCI, 1/16, Ergonomics)
Yang-Kun Ou, Zhi-Wei Chen and Chien-Nan Yeh (2021). Postural Control and Functional Ankle Stability in Professional and Amateur Skateboarders. Healthcare, 9(8), 1009. https://doi.org/10.3390/healthcare9081009 (SSCI/SCIE, 40/88, Health Policy & Services)
Yang-Kun Ou, Yi Liu,Yu-Ping Chang and Bih-O Lee (2021).Relationship between Musculoskeletal Disorders and Work Performance of Nursing Staff: A Comparison of Hospital Nursing Departments. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(13), 7085. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph18137085
Li-Ping Tseng, Yu-Cheng Pei, Yen-Sheng Chen, Tung-Hsu Hou and Yang-Kun Ou*, 2020. Choice Between Surgery and Conservative Treatment for Patients with Lumbar Spinal Stenosis: Predicting Results Through Data Mining Technology, Applied Sciences, 10, 6406. (SCIE, 85/299, General Engineering).
歐陽昆、黃琬媗、黃昱寧(2020)。多媒體教材組合應用於學童數位學習的視覺注意力偏好 - 以中國寓言故事為例,人因工程學刊 22卷1期,17-31。
Yang-Kun Ou, Yu-Lin Wang, Hua-Cheng Chang, Shih-Yin, Yen Yu-Hua Zheng and Bih-O Lee (2020). Development of virtual reality rehabilitation games for children with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder, Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing 11(11), 5713-5720. DOI:10.1007/s12652-020-01945-9. (SCIE, 26/136, Computer Science, Artifical Intelligence)
Yang-Kun Ou (2020). User preference and usability assessments of touchpad surface tactile in laptops, Human Factors and Ergonomics in Manufacturing and Service Industries. (SCIE/SSCI, 13/16, Ergonomics)
Yang-Kun Ou, Yu-Lin Wang , Hua-Cheng Chang and Chun-Chih Chen (2020). Design and Development of a Wearable Exoskeleton System for Stroke Rehabilitation, Healthcare. 8(1), 18; (SCIE/SSCI, 45/87, Health Policy & Services)
歐陽昆、莊佳燕、黃國禮(2020)。VR道路場景應用於行人穿越道路決策行為之評估測試, 南臺學報工程科學類 第 5 卷第 1 期,35-45。
Pei-Chun Chen, Chao-Wei Chin and Yang-Kun Ou*(2020). Investigation of the effect of patients on perceived hospital service value using dramaturgical theory, Hospital, 53(1), 1-20.
Yang-Kun, Ou (2019). Application of Ecological Interface Design in a Side Collision Avoidance System, Journal of Industrial and Production Engineering, 36(16):1-7. (TSSCI, EI)
Chen-Wen Fang, Chin-Hsien Lin, Yung-Ching Liu, and Yang-Kun Ou*(2018). Differences in road-crossing decisions between healthy older adults and patients with Alzheimer’s disease. Journal of Safety Research, 66, 81-88. (SSCI, 12/96, Social Sciences, Interdisciplinary)
Yang-Kun Ou, Chin-Hsien Lin, Chen-wen Fang and Yung-Ching Liu (2018). Using Virtual Environments to Assess Visual Perception Judgements in Patients with Parkinson’s Disease. Transportation Research Part F: Psychology and Behaviour, 56, 322-332. (SSCI, 35/80, Psychology, Applied)
Rain Chen and Yang-Kun Ou (2017). Examining Design Features of Copyrights Using Hot Area and Track. Displays, 49, 88-94. (SCI, 29/52, Computer Science, Hardware and Architechture)
歐陽昆、曾柏穎、郭櫂鳴、林家慈(2017)。不同學院學生對於產品海報圖文編排注意力之研究,南臺學報社會科學類 第 2 卷第 2 期。
Chu-Yu Cheng, Yang-Kun Ou*, Ching-Lung Kin (2017). How Chinese Semantics Capability Improves Interpretation in Visual Communication, Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education,13(6), 2299-2307. (SSCI, 147/235, Education and Educational Research)
Chu-Yu Cheng and Yang-Kun Ou*(2017). An Investigation of Basic Design Capacity Performance in Different Background Students, Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education,13(5), 1177-1187. (SSCI, 147/235, Education and Educational Research)
Chu-Yu Cheng, Yang-Kun Ou and Wei-Chen Wang (2016). An examination of cognitive changing by misleading anthropomorphic characters, International Journal of Management and Applied Science, 2(8), 1-4.
Yung-Ching Liu, Yang-Kun Ou, Sung-Nung Lin, Chen-Wen Fang (2014). Comparison study of north-up and track-up electronic maps with and without landmarks on the wayfinding performance of mild Alzheimer's disease patients, Journal of Ergonomic Study, 16(2), 97-112.
Chen-Chiang Lin, Chih-Nan Wang, Yang-Kun Ou, Jachih Fu (2014). Combined Image Enhancement, Feature Extraction, and Classification Protocol to Improve Detection and Diagnosis of Rotator-cuff Tears on MR Imaging. Magnetic Resonance in Medical Sciences. (SCI, 96/121, Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Medical Imaging).
Yang-Kun Ou, Sung-Nung Lin, Chen-Wen Fang, Yung-Ching Liu (2013). Effects of electronic maps on wayfinding abilities of patients with mild Alzheimer disease. Journal of Industrial and Production Engineering, 30(6), 397-404. (TSSCI, EI).
Chin-Hsien Lin, Yang-Kun Ou, Ruey-Meei Wu, Yung-Ching Liu (2013). Predictors of Road Crossing Safety in Pedestrians with Parkinson’s Disease. Accident Analysis and Prevention, 51, 202-207. (SSCI, 1/16, ERGONOMICS).
Ja-Chih Fu, Chen-Chiang Lin, Chih-Nan Wang and Yang-Kun Ou (2013). Computer Aided Diagnosis for Knee Meniscus Tears in Magnetic Resonance Imaging. Journal of Industrial and Production Engineering, 30(2), 67-77. (TSSCI).
Yang-Kun Ou, Yung-Ching Liu, Feng-Yuan Shih (2013). Risk prediction model for drivers’ in-vehicle activities–Application of task analysis and back-propagation neural network. Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour, 18, 83-93. (SSCI, 24/73, Psychology, Applied).
Chen-Chiang Lin, Shier-Chieg Huang, Yang-Kun Ou, Yung-Ching Liu, Ching-Mei Tsai, Hsin-Hui Chan, Chen-Ti Wang (2012). Survival of patients over 80 years of age after Austin-Moore hemiarthroplasty and bipolar hemiarthroplasty for femoral neck fractures. Asian Journal of Surgery, 35, 62-66. (SCI, 158/202, Surgery).
Ja-Chih Fu, Chen-Chiang Lin, Yang-Kun Ou, Chih-Nan Wang Ping-Feng Pai (2012). Image enhancement of shoulder magnetic resonance imaging in rotator cuff injury diagnosis. Journal of the Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineers, 29(2), 87-97. (TSSCI).
Yang-Kun Ou, Yung-Ching Liu (2012). Effects of sign design features and training on comprehension of traffic signs in Taiwanese and Vietnamese user groups. International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics, 42(1), 1-7. (SSCI, 6/16, Ergonomics).
Yung-Ching Liu, Yang-Kun Ou (2011). Effects of age and the use of hands-free cellular phones on driving behavior and task performance. Traffic Injury Prevention, 12(6), 550-558. (SCI, 99/160, Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health).
Chian-Chen Lin, Yang-Kun Ou, Shyh-Huei Chen, Yung Ching Liu, Jinn Lin (2010). Comparison of artificial neural network and logistic regression models for predicting mortality in elderly patients with hip fracture. Injury, 41, 869-873. (SCI, 13/67, Orthopedics).
Wurong Shih and Yang-Kun Ou (2007). The Development of A Web-Based System in Solving the Multi-Depot Vehicle Routing Problem of Fixed-Route Trucking Carriers. International Journal of Electronic Business Management, 5(4), 301-309. (EI).
國際性會議論文 |
Chen, Ming-Che, Chen, Jia-Xiang, Hsu, Ren-Guei, Su, Jian-Ping, Chang, Wan-Jung, Ou, Yang-Kun (2024). A Gesture Control System based on Augmented Reality and Eye Tracking Technologies for a 3D-Printed Prosthetic Arm. In 2024 IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics (ICCE). IEEE, 2024. 1-3. 台中。
Yang-kun Ou, Li-chieh Huang, Wei-ru Chen (2024).The influence of visual and spatial cognitive tasks on driver takeover performance in conditional automated driving. The 15th International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics (AHFE 2024), Nice, France.
徐雅媛、歐陽昆、張萬榮(2024)。 探討農業就業輔具介入對中高齡及高齡者女性農業者肌肉骨骼負荷評估。2024職業衛生暨職業醫學國際學術研討會,中國醫藥大學,台中。
Ming-Che Chen, Jia-Xiang Chen, Ren-Guei Hsu, Wan-Jung Chang, and Yang-Kun Ou (2024)." System Based on Augmented Reality and Eye Tracking Technologies for a 3D-Printed Prosthetic Arm", in proceedings of 2024 IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics (ICCE 2024), Las Vegas, USA, Jan. 5 – 8, 2024. (EI)
Yang-Kun Ou, Yang-Chen Hsieh (2024).Usability Evaluation of Augmented Reality Upper Limb Rehabilitation Training System. AmIE The 7th International Conference on Ambient Intelligence and Ergonomics in Asia(Ami&E 2024), Nagoya, Japan.
Shi Quan Huang , Hsiao Wu Lai, Yang Kun Ou (2023). Ultra High Molecular Weight Polyethylene (UHMWPE) Swelling Effect and Investigation. International Symposium on Novel and Sustainable Technology (ISNST),Tainan, Taiwan, Oct. 19-20, 2023.
Wan-Jung Chang, Jian-Ping Su, Wei-Zhu Zhuang, Wen-Cheng Kang, Ming-Che Chen, Shih-Hsiung Lee, Yang-Kun Ou, and Yu-Lin Wang (2023). "iMirror:An Intelligent Gait Recognition Mirror for Rehabilitation of Patients with Parkinson's Disease", in proceedings of 2023 IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics (ICCE 2023), Las Vegas, USA, Jan. 6 – 8, 2023. (EI)
Ming-Che Chen ,Hsin-Hsu Chou, Hsiag-Chun Chen, Jin-Yi Lin, Ren-Guei Hsu, Jia-Xiang Chen, Yu-Tse Lee, Jung-Yao Zhuo,Wan-Jung Chang, Yang-Kun Ou (2023). "iCAPD: A Deep Learning-Based Monitoring System for Continuous Ambulatory Peritoneal Dialysis", in proceedings of 2023 IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics – Taiwan (ICCE-TW 2023), PingTung, Taiwan, July 17 – 19, 2023. (EI)
Wan-Jung Chang, Hong-Wen Chen, Jian-Ping Su, Shu-Ching Liu, Yang-Kun Ou, Ming-Che Chen (2023). "A2Fitness:An Artificial Intelligent Fitness Assistance System Using a Augmented Reality Smart Glasses for Elderly Health-Promotion", in proceedings of 2023 IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics – Taiwan (ICCE-TW 2023), PingTung, Taiwan, July 17 – 19, 2023. (EI)
Wei-Ru Chen, Yang-Kun Ou, Ming-Che Chen, Min-Sheng Chen (2023). Bionic Eye-tracking AI-assisted Prosthetic Arm Control System Development. IAET 3rd International Conference on Aerospace Engineering, Applied Sciences, Information Technology, Electrical & Mechanical Engineering, Amsterdam, Netherlands.
Yang-Kun Ou, Ying-Nien Chou, Wei-Ru Chen (2023). Application of A Super Elastic Conductive Yarn in the Development of Men's Smart Underwear. IAET 3rd International Conference on Aerospace Engineering, Applied Sciences, Information Technology, Electrical & Mechanical Engineering, Amsterdam, Netherlands.
Wan-Jung Chang, Ming-Che Chen, Tsung-Sheng Cheng, Chia-Hao Hsu, Jian-Ping Su, Shih-Hsiung Lee, Yang-Kun Ou (2022). "ThermalPose: A Real-Time 2D Human Recogintion System Using Thermal Imaging", in proceedings of 2022 IEEE The 11th Global Conference on Consumer Electronics(GCCE 2022), Osaka, Japan, Oct. 18 – 21, 2022. (EI)
Aaron Raymond See, Jolo Gerard Miel F. Tolentino, Bhuvanut Duangsasidhorn, Wan-Jung Chang, Yang-Kun Ou, and Ming-Che Chen (2022). "Boosting Resnet18 for a Smart Glasses Input Module to Control a 3D Printed Prosthetic Arm", in proceedings of 2022 IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics (ICCE 2022), Las Vegas, USA, Jan. 7 – 9, 2022. (EI)
Chen-Wen Fang, Jia-Jin Jason Chen, Wei-Ru Chen, Yang-Kun Ou (2022). Hierarchical Clustering analysis of Traffic Accidents Related to Scooters in Tainan, Taiwan. The 5th Global Conference on Biomedical Engineering &Annual Meeting, Taipei, Taiwan.
Yang-Kun Ou, Yang-Chen Hsieh, Wei-Ru Chen (2022). The Design and Development of An Augmented Reality-based Upper Limb Rehabilitation Training System for Stroke patients. The 6th International Conference on Ambient Intelligence and Ergonomics in Asia, Kaohsiung, Taiwan.
Yang-Kun Ou, Jung-Yao Zhuo, Wei-Ru Chen (2022). Effectiveness of Rehabilitation Glove for Stroke Patients in Lowering Muscle Tone. 2022 IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics-Taiwan (ICCE-TW), Beitou, Taiwan.
Ya-Ting Ke, Lu-Yang Chiu, Jhi-Joung Wang, Wan-Jung Chang, Hui-Ying Chiang, Shu-Ching Ma, Chumg-Feng Liu, Yang-Kun Ou (2021). Development of Artificial Intelligence Alert System for Bed Exit Detection and Fall Prevention Based on Care Needs of the Geriatric Ward, in proceedings of 2021 5th International Conference on Medical and Health Informatics (ICMHI 2021), Kyoto, Japan, May 14 – 16, 2021.
Wan-Jung Chang, Liang-Bi Chen, Yang-Kun Ou, Aaron Raymond See, and Tzu-Chin Yang (2021). A Bed-Exit and Bedside Fall Warning System Based on Deep Learning Edge Computing Techniques, in proceedings of 2021 IEEE 2nd Global Conference on Life Sciences and Technologies (LifeTech 2021), Nara, Japan, Mar. 9 – 11, 2021. (EI)
Wan-Jung Chang, Liang-Bi Chen, Yang-Kun Ou, Jia-Hong Liu, Bo-Yang Shen,I-Chen Lin, and Yin-Hsin Tsai (2021). iBuffet: A Deep Learning-Based Intelligent Calories Management System for Eating Buffet Meals , in proceedings of 2021 IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics (ICCE 2021), Las Vegas, USA, Jan. 10 – 12, 2021. (EI)
Yang-Kun Ou;W.-J. Chang;T.-H. Lin (2021). An Interactive Modular System and Interface for Laerdal Little Anne™ Manikin in CPR Training, 2021 IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics-Taiwan (ICCE-TW), 15-17 Sept. 2021.
Yang-Kun Ou, Chia-Hsuan Liao, Bih-O Lee (2021). Risk Factors for Musculoskeletal Disorders and Work Performance of Nursing Staff, The 5th International Conference on Ambient Intelligence and Ergonomics in Asia (Ami&E 2021), Penghu, Taiwan.
Yang-Kun Ou, Chen-Wen Fang and Wan-Xuan Huang (2021). The Effect of Different Display Information Load with Take-over Request on Human Takeover in Conditional Automation. 2021 IEA. VANCOUVER.
Wan-Jung Chang†, Liang-Bi Chen, Yang-Kun Ou, Jia-Hong Liu, Bo-Yang Shen,I-Chen Lin, and Yin-Hsin Tsai (2021). iBuffet: A Deep Learning-Based Intelligent Calories Management System for Eating Buffet Meals, in proceedings of 2021 IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics (ICCE 2021), Las Vegas, USA, Jan. 10 – 12, 2021. (EI)
Wei-Chen Chang, Her-Tyan Yeh, Yi-Chun Du, Bih-O Lee, Rong-Ju Cherng, Kuo-Li Huang, Lifen Yeh and Yang-Kun Ou*(2020). An inter-disciplinary curriculum project to explore design and medical care - designing rehabilitation products for children with developmental delay through empathy and humanistic care. 2020 IFITL. Taipei, Taiwan
Wan-Jung Chang, Liang-Bi Chen, Ming-Che Chen, Jian-Yu Lin, Jian-Ping Su, Chia-Hao Hsu, and Yang-Kun Ou (2020). A Deep Learning-Based Intelligent Anti-Collision System for Car Door, in proceedings of 2020 IEEE The 9th Global Conference on Consumer Electronics(GCCE 2020), Kobe, Japan, Oct. 13 – 16, 2020. (EI)
Wan-Jung Chang, Yi-Chan Chiu, Chia-Hao Hsu, Liang-Bi Chen, Ming-Che Chen, Yang-Kun Ou, and Qiu Chen (2020). A Mobile Device-Based Hairy Scalp Diagnosis System Using Deep Learning Techniques", in proceedings of 2020 IEEE 2nd Global Conference on Life Sciences and Technologies (LifeTech 2020), Kyoto, Japan, Mar. 10 – 12, 2020. (EI)
Wan-Jung Chang, Yi-Chan Chiu, Chia-Hao Hsu, Liang-Bi Chen, Ming-Che Chen, Yang-Kun Ou, and Qiu Chen (2020). A Mobile Device-Based Hairy Scalp Diagnosis System Using Deep Learning Techniques", in proceedings of 2020 IEEE 2nd Global Conference on Life Sciences and Technologies (LifeTech 2020), Kyoto, Japan, Mar. 10 – 12, 2020. (EI)
Pei-Chun Chen, Yung-Ching Liu and Yang-Kun Ou (2019). Application of PZB Model to Explore User Experience after Modification of Pediatric Outpatient Settings, 20th Asia Pacific Industrial Engineering and Management Systems conference (APIEMS 2019), Japan.
Yang-Kun Ou, Yu-Lin Wang, Yu-Ning Huang (2019). Development of a wearable exoskeleton system for stroke rehabilitation, 2019 The 4th International Conference on Ambient Intelligence and Ergonomics in Asia (Ami&E 2019), Taiwan.
Yang-Kun Ou, Yu-Lin Wang, Shih-Yin Yen and Ya-Lin, Chen (2019). Development of virtual reality sports games for children with ADHD, 2019 International Conference on Human Interaction & Emerging Technologies (IHIET 2019), France.
Wan-Jung Chang, Jian-Ping Su, Liang-Bi Chen, Chia-Hao Hsu, Cheng-Pei Lin,Tzu-Chin Yang, Ming-Che Chen, and Yang-Kun Ou (2019). BodyTracker: A Deep Learning Based 3D Limb Trajectory Tracking System for Rehabilitation, 2019 IEEE 8th Global Conference on Consumer Electronics (GCCE), Japan.
Chian-Fan Liou, Chao-Chih Huang, Hung-Yuan Chen and Yang-Kun Ou (2019). Discussion on How the Human Characters in Different Types of Animated MVs Transformed to Animated Characters Affect the Young Generation’s Perceptions, 2019 International Conference on Applied System Innovation (ICASI 2019), Japan.
Chen-Wen Fang and Yang-Kun Ou (2018). Cue of Time Benefits Decision Making in Elderly While Crossing 2-Lane Traffic, the 33rd International Conference of Alzheimer’s Disease International (ADI), Chicago, U.S.
Ya-Lin Chen, Min-Yuan Ma, Yang-Kun Ou (2018). Study on the analysis of traffic accidents using driving simulation scenario. IEA 2018. Florence, Italy
Chen-Wen Fang and Yang-Kun Ou (2018). Cue of Time Benefits Decision Making in Elderly While Crossing 2-Lane Traffic, Alzheimer's Association International Conference (AAIC), Chicago, U.S.
Chien-Nan Yeh, Yu-Lin Wang, Zhi-Wei Chen, Chao-Ming Kuo and Yang-Kun Ou (2018). Study on the relationship between musculoskeletal injuries and liv-ing function of physiotherapists. 7th International Ergonomics Conference 2018 – Emphasis on Wellbeing. Zadar, Croatia.
Yang-Kun Ou, Ya-Lin Chen, Yung-Ching Liu (2018). A Study on The Innovative Teaching Method Influences in Learning Motivation by Using Dramaturgical Theory. 2018 International Conference on Applied System Innovation (ICASI 2018), Japan.
Chu-Yu Cheng; Yang-Kun Ou; You-Xuan Tao; Yu-Yu Chen (2018). Have you even meet it before? A Survey of Primary School Students’ Concepts About Urban Insects. 2018 International Conference on Applied System Innovation (ICASI 2018), Japan.
Chen-Wen Fang and Yang-Kun Ou (2017). A comparison study of the traffic hazard perception between normal aged and early stage of Alzheimer's disease, XXIII World Congress of Neurology (WCN 2017), Japan.
Pei-Chun Chen, Chao-Wei Chin and Yang-Kun Ou* (2017). Using Dramaturgical Theory to Investigate the Effect of Anxiety and Trust on Sense of Service Value, The 3rd International Conference on Ambient Intelligence and Ergonomics in Asia (AmI&E 2017), Japan.
Yang-Kun Ou and Yung-Ching Liu (2017). Effects of age and different road workload on driver’s situation awareness, 2017 International Conference on Applied System Innovation (ICASI 2017), Japan. (Best Paper Award)
Yang-Kun Ou, Chien-Wei Fu and Ya-Lin Chen (2017). In-Vehicle Human Interface Design for Side Collision Avoidance System, 2017 International Conference on Applied System Innovation (ICASI 2017), Japan. (Best Paper Award)
Yang-Kun Ou, Chin-Hsien Lin, Chen-Wen Fang and Yung-Ching Liu (2016). Evaluation of Depth perception in elder with Parkinson’s disease, 2016 International Conference on Applied System Innovation (ICASI 2016),Japan. (Best Paper Award)
Chu-Yu Cheng and Yang-Kun Ou (2016). A Research of Semiotics Interpretation in Visual Communication by Gestalt Principles, 2016 International Conference on Applied System Innovation (ICASI 2016), Japan.
Chen-wen Feng, Yang-Kun Ou (2016). Predictors of Road-Crossing Decisions in Pedestrians With Alzheimer's Disease, 2016 Human Factors and Ergonomics in Health Care: Shaping the Future, San Diego, California.
Yang-Kun Ou, Yung-Ching Liu, Chin-Hsien Lin (2015). Investigation of Road-crossing Safety Before and After Training for patient with Parkinson’s disease, 19th Triennial Congress of the IEA, Melbourne, pp.7.
Chu-Yu Cheng , Yang-Kun Ou, Wer-Chen Wang (2015). Does over anthropomorphic illustrations affect elementary students’ recognition of biological science?, International Academic Conference on Teaching, Learning and E-learning (IAC-TLEI 2015), Budapest, Hungary, pp.6, Jul, 2015.
Chen-Wen Fang, Yang-Kun Ou, Sung-Nung Lin, Yung-Ching Liu (2013). Effects of different navigation system on patients with Alzheimer’s disease. ADI 2013, Taiwan, Taipei.
J Yang-Kun Ou, Chen-Wen Fang, Yung-Ching Liu (2012). A simulated road crossing study in elders with mild Alzheimer disease. IE&EM 2012, ChangSha, China.
Yang-Kun Ou, Jachih Fu, Chen-Chiang Lin (2012). Computer aided detection of supraspinatus muscle injuries in magnetic resonance imaging. CVGIP 2012, Taichung.
Yang-Kun Ou, Chin-Hsien Lin, Yung-Ching Liu (2012). A comparison study of the effects on road crossing behavior between normal and Parkinson disease. AHFE 2012, San Francisco, CA.
Jing-Wun Jhuang, Yung-Ching Liu, Yang-Kun Ou (2010). A comparison study of five in-vehicle warning information displays with or without spatial compatibility. IEEM2010, Macau.
Yang-Kun Ou, Chen-Chiang Lin, Shyh-Huei Chen, and Yung-Ching Liu (2009). A comparison study of predictive models to elderly hip fracture surgery based on clinical data. APIEMS 2009, Kitakyushu.
Yang-Kun Ou, and Yung-Ching Liu (2009). Effects of Design Feature and Training on Traffic Sign Comprehension between Different User Groups. IEA 2009, Beiliing.
Ying-Chan Tung, Yung-Ching Liu, and Yang-Kun Ou (2008). The pedestrian road-crossing behaviors between older and younger age groups. APIEMS 2008, Bali.
Wurong Shih, Shu-Ling Chen, Yang-Kun Ou, and Mau-Kai Jhuang (2005\). Distribution expert-the vehicle routing system in a less-then truckload transportation industry. International symposium on knowledge-based economy & glogal management, Tainan, Taiwan.
國內會議論文 |
黃士銓、歐陽昆、賴孝武(2024)。高模高強超高分子量聚乙烯的初生纖維製備與性質探討。2024 中華民國高分子學會年會,台南。
王宛蓉, 廖尚毅, 林于聖, 林祐靚, 歐陽昆(2022)。以KANO二維模式探討防疫旅館服務品質要素之研究。第29屆 中華民國人因工程學會年會暨學術研討會,台南,南臺科技大學。
朱宜潔, 謝秧蓁, 廖佳宣, 王信鈞, 歐陽昆(2022)。探討大學生挑選理髮店所重視的資訊項目與資訊管道。 第29屆 中華民國人因工程學會年會暨學術研討會,台南,南臺科技大學。
歐陽昆 , 莫于寬 , 王堇慈 , 蘇沛洋, 何堉楨, 林瑞苓(2022)。 奈米洸動能遠紅外線應用於個別化機能護具設計研發。 第29屆 中華民國人因工程學會年會暨學術研討會,台南,南臺科技大學。
歐陽昆, 陳薇如, 廖佳宣, 曾莉萍(2022)。從義肢裝具師觀點探討兒童上肢義肢適配服務現況。2022中國工業工程學會年會暨學術研討會,金門。
歐陽昆、廖佳宣(2021)。探討模組化兒童義肢結構之產品設計。EST 2021 - 第二十八屆中華民國⼈因工程學會年會暨國際學術研討會, 澎湖,國立澎湖科技大學。
歐陽昆、錢仲一、黃昱寧(2020)。 中風患者外骨骼復健手套易用性評估之研究。新北市,明志科技大學。
歐陽昆、莊佳燕," 應用沉浸式虛擬實境建構穿越道路決策系統(2019)。 創新數位設計國際研討會,台南,南臺科技大學,p.8。
歐陽昆、黃昱寧、黃琬媗(2019)。保養品專櫃服務設計探討 — L`HERBOFLORE(蕾舒翠)為例 。2019 人因年會,台中。
杜翌群、歐陽昆、曾碧卿、施金波、許鶯儀(2018)。導入創意歸納與跨領域同儕競扶之創新醫療器材設計與專案實作教學。106 學年度推動教師多元升等制度教學實務研討會,台南,南臺科技大學,p.19。
林宛俞、陳重任、歐陽昆*(2018)。 血液透析病患手部復健產品設計與開發。 2018 創新數位設計國際研討會,台南,南臺科技大學,p.8。
歐陽昆、葉建男、王鈺霖、郭櫂鳴、陳志維(2018)。 探討上肢肌肉骨骼傷病:以物理治療師為例。2018 人因年會,新竹,清華大學,p.5。
歐陽昆、陳亞麟、黃琬媗(2017)。室內定位穿戴裝置於高齡者產品造形設計之研究。 2017 人因年會,金門,金門大學,p.5。
林育宥、李珍惠、陳志雄、歐陽昆 (2017)。探討不同定點裝置之使用性研究。 2017創新數位設計國際研討會,台南,南臺科技大學,p.5。
陳佩君、丁巖彰、曾柏穎、黃英倫、連婉茹、歐陽昆(2016)。醫療照護系統需求之初探研究。 經營管理暨資訊科技研討會, 高雄, 國立高雄師範大學,pp.6, Jun, 2016.
歐陽昆, 陳偉佑, 林昱廷(2015)。環境照度與抗反光表面處理對於HD螢幕視覺作業績效之研究。 2015 人因工程年會暨學術研討會, 桃園,元智大學,pp.6, Mar, 2015.
歐陽昆、馮嘉慧(2014)。觸控螢幕表面摩擦力對於使用者經驗之影響。中國工業工程學會103年度年會暨學術研討會, 台北, 明志科技大學, pp.5., Dec, 2014。
歐陽昆、馮嘉慧、程筑鈺(2014)。觸控板表面粗糙度對於手指觸覺感受之影響。2014台灣感性工學設計國際研討會, 台南, 南台科技大學, pp.4., Nov, 2014。
程筑鈺、馮嘉慧、歐陽昆(2014)。模擬式翻轉教育與傳統教學之學習成效差異化研究。 2014台灣感性工學設計國際研討會, 台南, 南台科技大學, pp.5, Nov, 2014。
程筑鈺、馮嘉慧、歐陽昆(2014)。模擬式翻轉教育與傳統教學之學習成效差異化研究。 2014台灣感性工學設計國際研討會, 台南, 南台科技大學, pp.5, Nov, 2014。